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Blossom From Within


Every woman should have this herbal stick in the bag of tricks! After the first use I noticed a tingling burning sensation. The next day I noticed that my yoni was tight and no odor!!! I freaking love it. With the continued use of about 3 weeks I have noticed those same results as well as increased sensation and wetness. Definitely a customer for life here. Highly recommended.

- Melinda S.

Secret Ceres

Secret Ceres



Marcelina Retsinas, 39


I’ve been using Secret Ceres since 2008 and still continue to use it monthly today. I first began using the product since I felt that my flora had been off balance because I had a constant discharges with odors. I was 29 when I started using and before then throughout my life when I had addressed my concerns to to doctors they would say that’s normal and even according to their Pap smears my flora, the discharge & the odor was considered normal.


But I felt like that wasn’t true , how could this be normal? I later found out that the reasoning behind so many doctors writing it off as normal is because the majority of women, especially in the western world have the same symptoms. Many women live with these unfortunate odors and discharges using creams, douches and antibiotics that just mask the problem, which in turn only can aggravate the flora with aggressive bacteria’s and a stronger odor. Now 10 years loyal to Secret Ceres I have never had a yeast infection or smell (especially during sex) and am completely confident. I am truly grateful for coming across the Secret Ceres crystal and now introduced it to my daughter to keep her balanced and healthy too

Ann Marie Paul, 42


I had heard about the Secret Ceres wand and was very interested to use it, since I have been prone to getting candida and I hoped it would help with that. I didnt actually use the wand though until I met Mallence when I was fighting a urinary tract infection. I was so grateful to have met her because she told me to dissolve the wand in water and drink it. I felt so much relief when I did this. I kept drinking it to relieve the pain until the UTI went away. I also used the wand internally and was so happy that I did not get candida from taking the antibiotics for the UTI. I usually always get candida when I take antibiotics, but this time I did not. After using the wand, I noticed something very unexpected; my yoni was very tight. Not in bad way, but the opening was much smaller than usual. Like I said I was not expecting this. What I felt emotionally was the greatest gift though. When I found the wand, I was right in the middle of painful breakup. What I noticed was that it felt as if the energy of this past partner was no longer attached to my yoni. For this I am so grateful! Thank you for bringing this ancient medicine back into modern culture!

Y'akoto, 30 


I felt like society kept a very important secret from me. Women need special care because they are complex and anatomical wonders.  If someone had told me earlier that the health of my vagina, the status of my hormones and the ph level of my body is essential for my physical and mental health, I would have saved  a lot of money and a lot of uncomfortable conversations with gynecologists and doctors who always tried to give me the impression that my vagina, my period and my breasts are problematic zones that  need to be checked, treated, looked at, and analyzed by everyone but ME. I doesn’t mean that I stopped going to the doctor, but since I know about “Secret Ceres” I’m able to gain back a little more control over the area of my body that is most speculated about but never really talked about. My vagina is my holy grail, so it needs exclusive and special care.


I bought other products that claim to produce the same results as Secret Ceres, but nothing even comes close! Not to mention the irritation the other products caused. My SC is an amazing product. It helped tighten, lubricate, & deodorize my vagina. I feel rejuvenated and confident.


-Dana W.


Ever since I started my monthly cycle when I was a young girl I‘ve had a slightly smelly discharge. My doctor said I was fine just douche with water and vinegar monthly. It never changed until I used your amazing product! I thank you so much!

- Darnita M.



I cannot say enough about the Secret Ceres! I was extremely skeptical at first but the enormous amount of positive reviews nally sold me. I am in my mid 20‘s and after having a child 4 years ago I was constantly having vaginal issues. I would always have some sort of yeast or bacterial infection going on (Not to be graphic but I want everyone to know the problems that this helped me with). Alongside my constant infection I would have an enormous amount of discharge. I thought I was going to have to live with it for the rest of my life. After ONE use of the Ceres I had barely any discharge at all! I was astonished. Continual use has led to me now having none at all and no signs of infection. Everything is very healthy! Also it is very true that the inside of the yoni sheds! I was surprised but I just feel like that has to be very healthy for her. I mean, the rest of our skin sheds too and that is what promotes healing. This also is amazing at helping with odor. I feel like I have a much more natural scent whereas before it just smelled like something was wrong. Maybe I will venture into the world of oral now;-) My partner does say that I am much much tighter now too. All in all I cannot recommend this product enough. Anyways, I am sorry for the length of this review but I wanted to be extremely detailed because that is what helped me make the decision to purchase this!

- Noelle M. 

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and share in the journey thousands of women have made since ancient times.



I, like you probably heard about this fantastic little product on Facebook. I‘m so glad I did. I bought this for my wife who is 45 for Christmas. She says it is the best Christmas present she has ever received. Now, let me tell you about it. First, ours didn‘t come with instructions so she asked me how to use it. I said “I don‘t know. Just stick it in there and see what happens“. She put it in first time for 10 mins. and it made her so tight we couldn‘t have sex for a week. LOL. It closed her vagina up. After that we found the directions online. So here they are: moisten with water and insert into the vagina for no more than 90 seconds!! Take it out and rinse it off. Results: first thing I noticed was no more tuna smell! It‘s a miracle. LOL. Second thing that happens is the vaginal walls start to shed new skin. It‘s amazing. Once that was done OMG we have a new Yoni.

Every woman should have this!!! And men, if your woman doesn‘t have this, buy it for her. She will know how much you care.

- Jeff P. 



I was so excited to experience the transformation of my lady’s pleasure chest after just one week of using her feminine wand. She was tighter, smoother and I was met with a fresh sweet aroma when I went down town. And that was just my experience. Guys, if you’re up for a refurbishment of your playground, this natural holistic solution to many of the common complications your lady goes through, is an investment in life. 

- Gilbert W. 

Adina Rivers | MyTinySecrets


Secret Ceres Review | Yoni Wand
Valerie Love - KAISI

Secret Ceres Review | Yoni Wand


This is the account of a woman in her thirties from New York from 2009.

She had e-mailed us wanting to know if there was any record of Secret Ceres in regards to fibroids. At that time we had very few accounts of women with fibroids who had used Secret Ceres. She decided to try it regardless. Her fibroid was the size of a grapefruit and visible from the outside. Her belly was potruding like that of a pregnant woman and she could not close her pants any longer. She started off by using Secret Ceres 2 times per week while diluting it and drinking it every day at the same time.

Her husband and her were married for just a year and made every effort to avoid surgery as it was their greatest wish to have a child. Her doctors had advised her to do a Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), since they considered it impossible for her to conceive and have children with her condition ( fibroid blocking the entrance of the uerus preventing any sperm from entering), besides the risk that the fibroid could burst due to its big size. According to today’s statistics modern medicine performs about 600,000 Hysterectomies per year in the US alone and up to 300,000 as a treatment for uterine fibroids. Treating symptoms by cutting them out/off is a common practice in cultures where medicine has been practiced for less than 500 years: “You have a problem?... Sure, we can help you!...How about we just cut it off/out. In eastern cultures where medicine has been practiced for over 2000 years, the root of the condition is tackled - never solely the symptom.

After approximately 4-6 weeks of using Secret Ceres the fibroid tumor had shrunk to the size of an apple but was still visibe from the outside of her stomach. She had introduced the product to another friend with fibroids (multiple fibroids but smaller than her own) who also inserted it twice a week and drank it daily. Her friend reported a pinching sensation in her stomach after she began using Secret Ceres and felt that it was a sign that it was working on her. That was all good news and reason enough to be optimistic, but it was important to get the opinion of a medical practioner at this point.

She scheduled another doctor‘s appoitment a few weeks from then (at the time of the doctor‘s appointment she had been using Secret Ceres regularly for 2- 3 months). At the doctors she was presented with a kind of news that no one had expected. Not only did her doctor confirm that her fibroid had shrunk by approximately 50% he also told her that she was pregnant!!! ! According to her doctors she was previously told that it would be impossible for her to conceive. They advised her that it would be a high risk pregnancy due to the fibroid but she decided to take that risk and continued to use Secret Ceres during her pregnany. Her fibroid continued to shrink and she delivered a healthy baby boy in 2010. Not only the couple and their family and friends were overwhelmed with joy, we at Natural Body Care were beyond happy as well, as it is these stories that encourage us to do what we do and remind us WHY we do it.

We hope this can serve as an encouragement for other women that suffer from fibroids. 

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